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Filing a complaint

Box Butte总医院 takes pride in resolving issues in a professional and timely manner using Just Culture. Just Culture关注三种可管理的行为——人为错误, 危险行为和鲁莽行为. Just Culture strongly encourages the creation of an environment of free and open reporting. 这有助于建立一种鼓励各级教练和诚实的文化, 为了带来最好的结果. 

如果你对你的照顾不满意, have a complaint, or a concern, 请立即向您的医疗服务提供者或任何值班的医院员工报告. 

如果您对收到的回复不满意, please ask your physician, medical provider or an on-duty hospital employee to contact the office or agency listed below for you. 你可以直接联系这些机构. 

Hospital Extensions


管理员电话308-762-6660 & ask to be transferred


308-762-4357 ex. 3600



自1978年以来,Box Butte总医院一直获得联合委员会的认可.

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